Curriculum Vitae

Academic History


PhD in Biology

Jan 2021 – Present Madrid, Spain | Toulouse, France
“Evolution of song and its role in bird speciation: an integrative study in two recent radiations on oceanic islands”, supervised by Borja Milá and Christophe Thébaud

Erasmus+ Research

Center of Evolutionary and Functional Ecology (CEFE-CNRS)

Jan 2020 – Oct 2020 Montpellier, France
“The use of automatic recorders to obtain vocalizations data in difficult terrains: the case of the Príncipe Scops owl”, supervised by Claire Doutrelant, Martim Melo and Yves Bas.
“Communication characteristics of the sociable weaver (Philetairus socius) within the nest”, supervised by Pietro D’Amelio and Claire Doutrelant


Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto (MHNC-UP)

Feb 2018 – Jul 2018 Porto, Portugal
“Enhancement of Ornithological Collections - Management of the MHNC-UP Hummingbird Collection”, supervised by Ricardo Jorge Lopes

MSc in Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution

Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources (CIBIO-InBIO)
Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto

Sep 2017 – Oct 2019 Vila do Conde, Portugal
“The mystery Scops owl of Príncipe Island: combining evidence for a species description and assessment of its conservation status”, supervised by Martim Melo, Angelica Crottini and Ricardo Lima

BSc in Biology

Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto

Sep 2014 – Aug 2017 Porto, Portugal
“Habitat use by waterbirds in the lower Douro estuary”, supervised by David Gonçalves, Tiago Múrias, Tiago Rodrigues and Paulo Faria

Grants, Scholarships & Awards

Conference Attendance Grant to Behaviour 2023

Bursary to support attendance at ESMARConf2022

2nd Best Poster Award and Sponsorship of Attendance at the VIII SESBE Conference

ABC Expedition Award

‘Acoustic monitoring of the Scops owl and other threatened species on Príncipe Island’, fundraised by Bird Conservation Fund.

Sponsorship of Attendance at the 2nd African Bioacoustics Community Conference

Erasmus+ Traineeship Grant

National Geographic Early Career Grant

International symposia and conferences

Freitas, B; Milá, B; Thébaud, C; Janicke, T. The acoustic adaptation hypothesis across animals: a meta-analysis. Behaviour 2023, 14-20 August 2023, Bielefeld, Germany. Oral presentation

Freitas, B; Gil, D; Thébaud, C; Milá, B. The role of song in restricting gene flow among locally adapted populations of the Common Chaffinch on the island of La Palma. 4th Society of Island Biology Conference, 2-7 July 2023, Lipari, Italy. Oral presentation

Freitas, B. Evolución del canto y su papel en la especiación de las aves insulares. VIII Jornadas de Conservación de la Biodiversidad, 4 March 2023, Salamanca, Spain. Invited oral presentation

Freitas, B. Evolution of song and its role in bird speciation: practical cases from island birds. Tropical Ecology Online organized by the Society for Tropical Ecology, 13 February 2023. Invited oral [online] presentation

Freitas, B; Gil, D; Thébaud, C; Milá, B. The roles of environment and behavior in the evolution of song in the Common Chaffinch on an oceanic island. 25th Spanish Congress of Ornithology, 9-13 November 2022, Menorca, Spain. Poster presentation

Freitas, B; Thébaud, C; Milá, B. Evolution of birdsong in mainland and insular populations of the Common Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs). SESBE VIII Conference, 2-4 February 2022, Vigo, Spain. Poster presentation

Freitas, B; Melo, M; Doutrelant, C; Robert, A; Bas, Y. The use of automatic recorders and automated detection to obtain vocalizations data in difficult terrains: the case of the Príncipe scops owl. BES Conservation Ecology & Tropical Ecology Joint Twitter Conference (#TropiCon20), 5-6 November 2020. Twitter presentation

Freitas, B; Melo, M; Doutrelant, C; Robert, A; Bas, Y. The use of automatic recorders and automated detection to obtain vocalizations data in difficult terrains: the case of the Príncipe scops owl. 2nd African Bioacoustics Community Conference, 2-5 November 2020. Oral [online] presentation

Freitas, B; Melo, M. The mystery Scops owl of Príncipe Island. National Geographic Grants Seminar, 30 April 2019, Porto, Portugal. Invited oral presentation

Freitas, B; Rodrigues, T M; Múrias, T; Gonçalves, D. Habitat use by waterbirds in the lower Douro estuary. IJUP, 7-9 February 2018, Porto, Portugal. Poster presentation

Supervisory Experience

MSc student: Andrea Lirola, Menendez Pelayo International University, Spain
Thesis title: Patterns of daily activity and abundance associated with the habitat of three species of passerines on the island of La Palma, Canary Islands
Co-supervised with Borja Milá

Internship student: Javier Gutiérrez, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain
Project title: Bioacoustic analysis of island bird songs
Co-supervised with Borja Milá

Review Activity

Reviewer for Ecography, F1000Research, and The Journal of Raptor Research

2023 - External reviewer for the National Geographic Society Level I Grants (areas of Conservation, Research, and Technology)